Professional Fellowship Requirements

The grade of Fellow is the highest of the Profession and it is granted to any interested Member who can prove his/her professional activities, justify his/her acceptance as an authority in his/her particular field of computing; has made significant contribution to the growth of the Society; and in addition fulfilled any of  requirements  A or B below:

Requirements – (A):

  1. Be at least thirty years of age and has not less than ten years relevant professional working experience, at least five of which must have been in position of senior management responsibility.
  2. Has professional activities and achievements justified and accepted as an authority in the profession.
  3. Be considered by the Society to be fit and proper person to be so recognized.
  4. Holds a certificate of an examination or examinations recognized by the society for the membership grade.
  5. Has his/her application sponsored by two Fellows in writing and in such manner as the Society may, from time to time, prescribe.
  6. Applicant for Fellowship grade must have been a Member for at least 10 (ten) years, of which at least 2 (two) years out of 3(three) years (preceding the date of application), of regular attendance/participation in the activities of the Society can be verified.
  7. Must have been registered by CPN for at least 3 years

Requirements – (B):

  1. First degree(HND or B.Sc.) in Computer Science/Information Technology/any related discipline Or Computer Professional Examination (CPE Stage II)
  2. Practicing IT for a minimum of 20 years
  3. Must have registered with NCS and CPN or concurrently registering with the Fellowship application.
  4. Must pay special admission fee to be determined by the Council.
  5. Must also fulfil ii, iii, v in Requirements – (A) above

Submission Deadline: September 31st, 2021
Date of Conferment: TBD | Venue: TBD

For further enquiries, please contact:
National Secretariat: Plot 10, Otunba Jobi Fele Way, Behind MKO Abiola Gardens, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos
Tel: +234(0)8097744600, 09038353783 | E-mail:

Mrs. Tomiwa Olagunju, Head, Membership Department
Tel: 08033517893 | E-mail:

Complete Application Form Here





* are compulsory
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Plot 10, Otunba Jobi Fele Way, Central Business District, Alausa Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria

+ 234 (0)809 774 4600, + 234 (0)903 835 3783

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