The Computer Professional Examination (CPE) is designed with the aim of developing and nurturing the potentials of Nigerian youths and adults alike that are interested in making career out of Information Technology.

The examination has different entry points, depending on the candidate’s background. Candidates with less than five o’ level credits have their entry points, from which they can gradually move up, while those with five credits and higher qualifications also have their entry points too.

The examination has been structured such that candidates who want to exit from the examination at any stage or level for whatever reason, can do so and still have a certificate to show for the skill and knowledge acquired. Every stage or level of the examination has a corresponding recognition as approved by the Federal Ministry of Education.

The examination will also enable candidates from Computer Training Institutions scattered all over the country have the opportunity of regularizing the value of the qualifications from these schools. This examination is an opportunity to acquire qualifications from a nationally recognized and legally authorized professional body, unlike the certificates which are merely for attendance than for skill or knowledge, being issued and awarded by the unaccredited and unregistered computer training schools that abound all over the country.

The examination will consist of written papers and practical tests. Each written examination paper will be a maximum of three-hour duration. The practical test will be of at least 3 hours duration.

Date of Examination: The examination will normally be held twice a year- April and September. The examination dates for each year will be published not later than four months before the examination.

Closing Date of Entry: Registration forms accompanied by the correct fees must be received at the Secretariat not later than the closing date stated on the examination time-table. No exceptions will be granted for late registration on account of entries or correspondence loss or delay in transmission. Candidates should therefore send their registration forms early and make enquiries if they do not get acknowledgment within a reasonable time.

Examination Result: Results will be communicated to candidates directly through emails, CPN offices, the various study centers and newspaper publications. In general, results shall be released not later than three months after the examination. Detailed individual results will be mailed to candidates later. Any typographical error in the detailed result will not entitle the candidate to interpret the result in his/her favor or claim any advantage there-from. CPN reserves the right to correct such mistake(s) when they come to its notice and no action shall be liable against CPN. Request for review of examination scripts may be entertained on payment of a prescribed fee per subject, which shall be reviewed from time to time. Such requests, in writing, must be received at the Secretariat within one month of the declaration of results, with the appropriate review fees.

Correspondence: Candidates should quote their registration and examination numbers in all correspondence about examination.

Misconduct in an Examination: CPN has the right to take severe disciplinary action against any candidate or invigilator found guilty of examination malpractice. Such include: result cancellation, membership suspension/ban, legal action, ban from future examination, forfeiting invigilation fees etc.

Absence from Examination: No refund will be made to a candidate that has paid for an examination, but absents himself from the examination. However, a candidate who has registered for an examination may be allowed to defer sitting for the examination to the next or second diet following the original registered examination. CPN reserves the right to make alterations or changes to the examination administration as it may deem necessary and in such circumstances determine how to reschedule a candidate who encountered problem because of such actions.

Exemptions: Direct entries into CPE I and CPE II must obtain necessary exemptions at least six months before the examination, after having duly completed Exemption Application Form, registered as student of the profession and paid the exemption fees as may be prescribed by NCS/CPN from time to time. Enquiries on exemptions fees should be forwarded to the CPN secretariat Examination Officer.

Other Costs: Candidates or sponsors would be required to pay for the cost of any equipment rental, where necessary for a practical test. All subscriptions and levies must be paid BEFORE sitting for any examination.

Notification of Results and Award of Certificates: A registered candidate for an examination will be awarded the appropriate qualification after having been successful in all requirements of the examination. A registered candidate who is not successful in one or two paper(s) in an examination has within eighteen calendar months to re-sit the paper(s) or else he/she will have to re-register and rewrite all the papers of the examination module at a future date.

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