Smart Teens Information Technology Competition

The Smart Teens Information Technology Award is positioned to be Nigeria’s leading Information Technology Award for secondary school students.

The aim is to stimulate young minds passion for emerging technologies that would add value to the education system.

The competition is organized by Nigeria Computer Society and other partners. Entrants are expected to design a game-based solution that can enhance learning in any subject area.


The award is open to students between 10 and 17 years of age in secondary schools across the Nation. 

Entry application will be filled online via Nigeria Computer Society website www.



Currently, there are varied learning aids to help students understand different subjects. You are to design a game-based system for learning Alphabets or Addition System.



  • First Prize                          N300,000.00                          
  • Second Prize                     N200,000.00
  • Third Prize                         N100,000.00



  • Entry applicants must fill online form via on or before February 28, 2020
  • Entry applicants are expected to have electronic copy of their passport photo ready before filling the form
  • To enter, students must be between 10 and 17 years of age and enrolled at a secondary school. (Note: Verification will be done)
  • Only individual entries will be accepted
  • More than one entry by the same applicant will be disqualified.
  • Entry must be own original work of the student. Plagiarism is forbidden.
  • Access codes to upload the project will be sent to all applicants by April 1, 2020
  • Any costs or expenses incur by entrants for participating in the competition is at the applicant’s account. The organizers will only provide the prize for awardees.
  • Entry submission of fully developed project is on or before April 28, 2020
  • No previously designed project will be accepted.
  • The decision of our panel of judges is final and is not subject to any form of appeal with regard to selection of finalists.
  • The best six entries will be invited for a physical demonstration and presentation in July 2020 where the overall winner will be declared.

Judging Criteria

The panels of judges are looking for innovative entries. The following criteria will be considered:

  • Knowledge of Subject Matter                    30
  • Creativity and Design                                20
  • Structure/Content                                      20
  • Innovativeness                                          20
  • Language                                                  10


For enquiries, you can email your questions to or call 08037213920.